Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I Didn't Forget. 12.08.04

1. happy birthday to my mommy!

2. happy retirement to my daddy!

3. congratulations on poshie's engagement!

4. i meant to include a few weeks ago, when i went out with raycroft , that i loved meeting lee. i only wish they made her in a "single" model.

5. welcome heather rochelle and morgan to town; it's on tomorrow night! uhm, after class.

p.s.: congrats to tijuana on her appearance as the rehab doctor on law & order: SVU, where she read that cracked-out ho the riot act. and ice-t got the baby from said cracked-out ho.


monkistan said...

Despite what she says, her middle name is Constance, not Rochelle!

neverecho said...

happy b-day to jean.
that's her name, right?