Monday, June 20, 2005

Southpaw Plus 6.20.05

Saturday was a camp meeting and finally a meeting of 3/4 of the secret helicopter society - myself, Niffer, and Rini. Niffer's building has a backyard and we sat on deck hairs, drinking wine and enjoying one of the last cool nights we would have, catching up.

We also went dancing at Southpaw and those two left me with Ali Pack, Rizzle, and friends. Cesar came, and Gully didn't go inside. Cesar agrees, Gully, you is a punk. Here are some pictures of Ali Pack and her people. Despite Ali Pack's assertion, I was not hard on the mack.

p.s. it's almost the first day of summer. we're all going out. on the 21st. the longest day of the year. the opening of summer. give me suggestions, there will be an email later.

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